Martis die 16 mensis Julii 2024


Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.


Fabella Latina 32 - Servi et ancillae

LLPSI Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Fabellae Latinae 32 - Servi et Ancillae

327 views • Jun 27, 2023

Plinius quaerit quid faciendum sit Christianis

Pliny the Younger Epistulae X.96. Pliny asks Trajan what to do with Christians he's begun to encounter in Bithynia, which he was governing. Link to text:,C.%20PLINIUS%20TRAIANO%20IMPERATORI,-1%20Sollemne%20est

260 views • May 27, 2022

LLPSI Fabella Latina 31 - Fortis Miles Romanus

Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Fabellae Latinae 31 - Fortis Miles Romanus

463 views • Mar 7, 2022

Fabella Latina 30 - Asinus currens

LLPSI Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Fabellae Latinae 30 - Asinus Currens

229 views • Mar 4, 2022

Fabella Latina 29 - Kalendarium Romanum

LLPSI Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata - Fabellae Latinae

221 views • Feb 25, 2022
