Martis die 16 mensis Julii 2024


Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.


Fabulae terrificae

De Inferis: on the Underworld in Latin #lingualatina #mythology #hades #languagelearning

Full video here: The full video has English subtitles. Read more about our upcoming book about Erictho here: Read the full Latin script and English translation here: This intermediate-advanced level Latin video from Lupus Alatus is about the spirits and gods of the Underworld and the only thing they fear: Erictho, the most terrifying witch of Thessaly who intimidates even Pluto himself. Included in this video are segments on Pluto, Proserpina, Cerberus, the Furies, and the Fates. We’ve also included some information about Sextus Pompey, the other main character in book VI of Lucan’s De Bello Civili (also titled Pharsalia) and our book, and what motivated him to venture to the lair of Erictho. We also describe some of the ways that Erictho terrified and threatened the gods of the Underworld in order to get her way. Victor K. narrates. Jessica M. made the video.

19 views • Jul 11, 2024

De Inferis et Ericthone (On the Underworld and Erictho) [in Latin]

Read more about our upcoming book about Erictho here: Read the full Latin script and English translation here: This intermediate-advanced level Latin video from Lupus Alatus is about the spirits and gods of the Underworld and the only thing they fear: Erictho, the most terrifying witch of Thessaly who intimidates even Pluto himself. Included in this video are segments on Pluto, Proserpina, Cerberus, the Furies, and the Fates. We’ve also included some information about Sextus Pompey, the other main character in book VI of Lucan’s De Bello Civili (also titled Pharsalia) and our book, and what motivated him to venture to the lair of Erictho. We also describe some of the ways that Erictho terrified and threatened the gods of the Underworld in order to get her way. Erratum: perjuriam should be perjurium at 9:30. Victor K. narrates. Jessica M. made the video.

325 views • Jul 10, 2024

Inferi — The Inferal Ones! [Latin then English]

Preview video for a new video about the Infernal Ones (Pluto, Cerberus, Proserpina, the Shades of the Dead, and all who dwell in the Underworld) and the one witch who can scare and enchant them, Erictho!

33 views • Jun 26, 2024

Something New Has Been Excavated in #Pompeii! [English]

This is an English language version of our La tin video about the recently published excavations in Pompeii, Italy. The Latin video (with English subtitles) is here:

255 views • Apr 15, 2024

Aliquid novi Pompeiis exaratum est! Something new has been excavated in #Pompeii!

A Latin video about the recent frescos excavated at Pompeii. English subtitles (which are mislabeled Latin as usual.) See more here:

482 views • Apr 12, 2024
