Martis die 16 mensis Julii 2024


Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.


Vergil, Aeneid 6, 1-263; Latin hexameter recitation, natural word accents

Latin hexameter reading with natural word accents. It's a spontaneous reading, so I correct myself sometimes – I hope, it can be useful, though! You can support my channel with a little donation: or: (So that I can buy equipment and you'll be able to enjoy the videos in better quality 😊) Image: Frans Francken d. J. - Aeneas in der Unterwelt - 1879

594 views • Jun 2, 2024

#kephaloschallenge Dies 44

117 views • Jun 1, 2024

#kephaloschallenge Dies 43

116 views • May 30, 2024

Let's read the Aeneid! Nr. 4 - post procellam

Quid vos in hac directa exspectat? - recitabimus versus - explanabimus lingua simpliciore - loquemur de grammatica, rhetorica, metrica - respondebimus rogandis vestris! Subscribite etiam canali Stephani: @RVMAK , in quo directas de Senecas facimus! 🎁 DONUM: Get a 10% discount on the Dolphin Edition of Vergil's Aeneid by using the discount code MUSAPEDESTRIS10! The book is a selection of the Aeneid text (book 1, 2, 4 and 6) with introductions to each book, each passage, a prose paraphrase, commentary in easy Latin and some useful illustrations – I think it's very good both for intermediate and advanced readers, and those who don't have so much experience with poetry yet and want to get started, or for teachers to use it in the classroom. The book is published by the Paideia Institute. ▶️ Get book here: Paideia Institute main page:

694 views • May 30, 2024

#kephaloschallenge Dies 42

80 views • May 29, 2024
