Martis die 16 mensis Julii 2024


Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.


The Occult Anatomy of Man (Manly P Hall) pt 6- Occult Masonry

This appenda on the end of the book, as mentioned by the author, is from an earlier writing of his (I actually think it's a transcript of a lecture, rather) given for an audience of Freemasons. In it, the concept of occult human anatomy is hinted at through some veiled references. In “Wisdom Teachings” all is allegorical. The Flaming Triangle. The symbol Yod. The Beehive. Nectar of the Gods. Are we bees or spiders? “The Grip of the Lion’s Paw” The two Johns- the Baptist and the Evangeliser. The masonic Lost Word. The Word is spoken on the Philosopher’s Stone. Tying up the lecture with more masonic metaphors.

47 views • Jul 5, 2024

Occult Anatomy of Man (Manly P Hall) pt 5- Occult Embryology

The incarnations of Vishnu relate to human embryo development Adam and Eve, Genesis, and human embryo development Certain Theosophic schools (only vaguely mentioned) and embryology 9 months of gestation as “the number of man” Birth by degrees, Age 0-7 Age 7-14 Age 14-21 Age 21-35 Age 35-49 Age 49-56+ The human Zoo 12 Gates of the Holy City The human head, Seven Spirits’ symbolism End of the booklet, to which is appended a brief treatise on occult masonry

8 views • Jul 5, 2024

Occult Anatomy of Man (Manly P Hall) Pt 4 - The Infernal Worlds

Lord Shiva / Jehovah Birth is death, and death is awakening. The Egyptian Typhon, and your typical depictions of ‘demons’ The larynx Lunar spirits, “the ancestors”, “angels” Red blood conveys the spirit. The liver is the key to spiritual living, via blood. The color Red The color Yellow The color Blue An aside on alchemists and Rosicrucians Intro to Vishnu and occult embryology

17 views • Jul 5, 2024

Occult Anatomy of Man (Manly P Hall) pt 3 - The Spinal Column

Part 3- The Spinal Column Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and Kundalini The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah= Sacral plexus and sacrococcygeal ganglion Mentions of the Seven Spirits / Seven Churches / 7 lotus blossoms are nerve centers (he does not call them 'chakras') Descent of the Logos relations to Masonry Thinking with the solar plexus clairvoyance vs mediumship. Why mediumship is retrogression Man likes to lean on crutches.. the reader makes an aside analogy to A.I. another warning not to attempt casual mediumship The heart, the spleen, other elements of human anatomy when the kundalini is awakened... celibacy (or at least chastity) is desirable to avoid destruction On tonsil removal and vaccination of children the human body as an intelligent machine. Paracelsus and belief in invisible-intelligences governing the human machine. Eastern ascetics and suspended animation. As above, so below...

19 views • Jul 5, 2024

Occult anatomy of Man (Manly P. Hal) pt 2 - The Three Worlds

The body as Middle-Earth Santa Claus from the North Pole and Manna from Heaven Sacred rivers of religions represent the spinal canal. The brain as the upper room, the 3rd ventricle as the holy of holies The trinity in man. The 'lost word' of Masonry. Cain and Abel as the 2 lobes of the cerebrum The Garden of Eden is the brain. The pituitary body.. links to alchemy The pineal gland.. links to oriental and occidental esotericism The third ventricle.. the King's chamber The frontal Sinus the palate bone & the Palatine Hill in Rome. Jupiter and Juno are the two eyes. The sphenoid bone & the Egyptian Scarab. the Myth of the world-Savior who dies and is resurrected-- links to chrism descending the spinal canal

12 views • Jul 5, 2024
