Martis die 16 mensis Julii 2024


Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.

Magistra PC

Institutio Latina

Certamen Quisquiliarum: Pars Decima Tertia || Dumpster Challenge: Part 13

In hāc pelliculā diem Catullī sine arcīs quisquilia quaerendīs sequimur. Cavete, spectatores, Catullus sine vestimentis paulisper in pelliculā est. In this video, we follow Catullus on a day without searching through trash. Beware, viewers, there is some Sims censored moments, where Catullus is without his clothes. Sequimini Magistram PC! Magistra PC is on Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter! @dorklyeffective for Twitter & Instagram r/MagistraPC for Reddit. Also check out Dorkly Efffective Latin ( for video catalogs, books, and virtual games for the classroom or club events!

12 views • Mar 28, 2024

Certamen Quisquiliarum: Pars Decima Secunda || Dumpster Challenge Part 12

In hāc pelliculā domum Catullī maiorem facio! In this video I expand Catullus' house! Sequimini Magistram PC! Magistra PC is on Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter! @dorklyeffective for Twitter & Instagram r/MagistraPC for Reddit. Also check out Dorkly Efffective Latin ( for video catalogs, books, and virtual games for the classroom or club events!

16 views • Mar 14, 2024

Festa Die Hiemis || Winterfest

In hāc pelliculā simulatio mea celebrat ut festam diem hiemis habeat. In this video my sims celebrates to have a good Winterfest. Sequimini Magistram PC! Magistra PC is on Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter! @dorklyeffective for Twitter & Instagram r/MagistraPC for Reddit. Also check out Dorkly Efffective Latin ( for video catalogs, books, and virtual games for the classroom or club events!

79 views • Dec 16, 2022

Certamen Quisquiliarum: Pars Undecima || Dumpster Challenge: Part XI

In hāc pelliculā Catullus in arcā quisquiliarum petit, et petit, et petit. In this video Catullus searches endlessly in the dumpster. Sequimini Magistram PC! Magistra PC is on Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter! @dorklyeffective for Twitter & Instagram r/MagistraPC for Reddit. Also check out Dorkly Efffective Latin ( for video catalogs, books, and virtual games for the classroom or club events!

30 views • Oct 13, 2022

Quid tibi placet: Refacta || What do you like: Remade

In hāc pelliculā res quae simulationibus facere placent demonstro. In this video I show things that Sims like to do. Sequimini Magistram PC! Magistra PC is on Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter! @dorklyeffective for Twitter & Instagram r/MagistraPC for Reddit. Also check out Dorkly Efffective Latin ( for video catalogs, books, and virtual games for the classroom or club events!

47 views • Oct 7, 2022
