Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.
Sum Thiên (天) : nōmen meum Annamiticum significat caelum. Latīnē vocor Vincentius Nguiēn Giaciemēnsis Naevius. Librōs legere, linguās classicās discere, currere et in lūdīs athlēticīs exercēre, pingere, et mūsicam auscultāre mihi placent. Librōs dē linguīs, philosophiā, et historiā legere soleō. Lūsor optimus pedifollis et tenisiae mēnsālis sum! Ūtor pigmentō acrilicō sed iam nōn saepe pingō. Libenter auscultō paene omnia genera mūsicae, metallum vulgārīs autem est mihi genus praedīlēctum, praecipuē cantica dē historiā.
Advice of the day! Humor in Latin #latinlanguage #learnlatin #lingualatina
113 views • Sep 7, 2024
Quid videre in caelo potes? #latinlanguage #learnlatin #lingualatina #languagelearning
LATIN (English below) Quid vidēre possumus in caelō? Sōl? Ubi est sōl? Nōn vidētur nunc, quia caelum nūbilōsum est, i.e. sunt multae nūbēs in caelō inter nōs spectātōrēs et sōlem. Sed certē sōl est in caelō, aliquō locō suprā nōs. Positiōnem exāctam nesciō. Quid amplius? Avēs, certē! Avēs bēstiolaeque quae ālās habent. Āeroplāna quoque volāre possunt in caelō. Quid amplius? ENGLISH What can we see in the sky? The sun? Where is the sun? We don't see it now (literally: It is not seen), because it's cloudy, that is, there is a lot of clouds between us the viewers and the sun. But surely the sun is in the sky, somewhere above us. I just don't know the exact position. What else? Birds, of course! Birds and other little animals (insects) who have wings. Airplanes can fly in the sky too. What else?
75 views • Sep 6, 2024
De amico novo (About my new friend) LATIN vlog 🐶 #latinlanguage #lingualatina #learnlatin
LATIN (English below): - Heus tū, quid agis? - Nōlō tēcum colloquī dum edō. Nōlī mē turbāre! Ecce meus novus amīcus. Hodiē per tēlephōnum cum eō locūtus sum. Ita, canis est. Quid est nōmen eī? Nōndum nōmen habet. Quot annōs nātus est? Nesciō. Quid igitur dē eō sciō? Adhūc parum, quia novus amīcus meus est. Valē! ENGLISH: - Hey you, what are you up to? - I don't want to talk with you while eating. Don't disturb me! This is my new friend. Today, I talked with him on the phone. Yes, he's a dog. What's his name? He doesn't have one yet. How old is he? I don't know. So what do I know about him? Nothing much, because he's a new friend. Goodbye!
165 views • Sep 2, 2024
Quid inest in saccō? #latinlanguage #lingualatina #learnlatin
Quid inest in meō saccipēriō dorsuālī? Turn on English subtitles! #latinlanguage #lingualatina #learnlatin
97 views • Aug 28, 2024
1-37 gradus latine 🔥 #lingualatina #latinlanguage #learnlatin
438 views • Aug 21, 2024