Jovis die 16 mensis Januarii 2025


Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.


Low-Tech Zoom Success for teachers - Course Trailer (TeachHuman)

After receiving lots of thanks and follow-up questions from presentations I've done on using Zoom, I decided to make this 10-part mini-course to help teachers win at Zoom without having to learn any other tech. The course is asynchronous, so you can take in each 10-minute module on your own time, and you'll continue to have access to all the content for as long as you want. You can get the whole course for only $24 if you register by the end of Sunday, November 22! Some of the things I cover in less than 10 minutes a day: —repurposing basic Zoom features for class routines and community-building —next-level Zoom moves with lesser-known features —which physical classroom practices to bring straight to Zoom and which ones to leave behind —virtual backgrounds—not just how to make and display them, but how to use them thoughtfully for improved interaction —making videos using only Zoom that look well edited, without doing any actual video editing The course is for teachers of all subjects and ages and many users have said that it is worthwhile even if you're not teaching on Zoom, whether because the principles apply on other platforms, too, or because of the things I'll show you about using Zoom to make videos.

407 views • Aug 19, 2020

Nummum Da Tuo Strigro ("Toss a Coin to Your Witcher" rock cover in Latin) - Justin Slocum Bailey

“Nummum da tuo strigro” (“Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” in Latin—full text below; activate Latin subtitles with CC button) Based on the English original by Giona Ostinelli, Joey Batey, and Sonya Belousova, from the Netflix series The Witcher Latin text by Mischa Hooker ( Electric guitar parts written and performed by Justin Slocum Bailey Lead and background vocals performed by Justin Slocum Bailey Audio recorded and mixed in GarageBand by Justin Slocum Bailey Video recorded on iPhone 6S(!) at Parker Mill County Park, Ann Arbor, MI, 15 May, 2020, edited in Final Cut Pro X by Justin Slocum Bailey I hope you enjoy! *This recording uses base arrangements by Mij4no ( and Green Noize (https://—check out their channels! Latin text by Mischa Hooker: vāte humilī equitante ōlim Rīviēnsī cum Geralt hoc carmen ortum’st dē pugna lupī cum daemone loquācī et eius alfōrum cōnvīviō fēlīcī mē secūtī sunt cum dolō maximō lyram frēgērunt et dentēs quoque—o! cornū ac daemonis carnem trānsit mī strīgerque “non potest” inquit “balārī!” nummum dā tuō strīgro ō cōpiae vallis, ō cōpiae vallis, ō! nummum dā tuō strīgro ō cōpiae vallis! mundī in fīne obstā fortī cornuī quod ūsque tē laedet et īnfert luctuī trūsit omnem alfum in loculō procul in vertice montis dē quō est exul pestem expulit pectus pede ictum’st ille est hominum amīcus date ergō eī plūs fīnis fabulae est ēvīcit campiō dēlēvit et hostem cervisiam date, iō! nummum dā tuō strīgro ō cōpiae vallis, ō cōpiae vallis, ō! nummum dā tuō strīgro et hominum amīcō! (3x)

10546 views • May 22, 2020

Be the Calmest Person in the Room (Tuned-In Teacher Mantra 26)

6 reason WHY and 3 ways HOW to be the calmest person in the room. Support Justin's creation of these videos and other content that helps people teach, learn, and live better: —Supporters get access to exclusive content and other perks, including a preview edition of the book in which Justin unpacks each mantra with lots of practical applications for teachers, students, and leaders! Justin Slocum Bailey's Tuned-In Teacher Mantras (playlist: are a series of memorable concepts that teachers can practice to increase their peace and effectiveness. Many of them are things practiced in Justin's "Poised for Proficiency" workshops ( Subscribe to be notified of future Tuned-In Teacher Mantras! You can find some of Justin's upcoming appearances at

916 views • May 10, 2020

Qualem aspectum praebuisti infans? (What did you look like as a baby? - Latin Listening Project)

The Latin Listening Project (LLP) is a collaborative effort to publish a wide variety of short videos of different speakers discussing topics in Latin, often in response to a question. More info at Support Justin's creation of these videos and other content that helps people teach, learn, and live better:—Supporters get access to exclusive content and other perks! Topic for this video: Qualem aspectum praebuisti infans? (What did you look like as a baby?) Speaker in this video: Justin Slocum Bailey (@IndwellingLang) Pronunciation: Restored Classical EMENDANDA: 0:21 nātum—nātus; 3:41 cornum—cornū (two -um endings by attraction 🙃) If you have questions about LLP, would like to commission a video, or are interested in participating, please submit the contact form at!

647 views • May 8, 2020

You Can't Out-Candice Candice (Tuned-In Teacher Mantra 25)

No matter how hard you try, your class and your teaching are never really going to look like Candice’s. And that’s okay, even good: It’s not about teaching the way another person does; it’s about teaching how you do and how you can, informed by your training, your experience, your reading, your peers, and feedback. Other mantras referenced in this video: "Speak Softly" (Mantra 9) "Fake It = Make It" (Mantra 10) Support Justin's creation of these videos and other content that helps people teach, learn, and live better: —Supporters get access to exclusive content and other perks, including a preview edition of the book in which Justin unpacks each mantra with lots of practical applications for teachers, students, and leaders! Justin Slocum Bailey's Tuned-In Teacher Mantras (playlist: are a series of memorable concepts that teachers can practice to increase their peace and effectiveness. Many of them are things practiced in Justin's "Poised for Proficiency" workshops ( Subscribe to be notified of future Tuned-In Teacher Mantras! You can find some of Justin's upcoming appearances at

250 views • May 3, 2020
