Martis die 16 mensis Julii 2024


Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.


Dr. Thomas P. Sculco | The Value of a Classical Education for STEM | Paideia Arete Award Gala

At the Paideia Institute's 2024 Arete Award Gala, Dr. Thomas P. Sculco, Surgeon-in-Chief Emeritus at the Hospital for Special Surgery, reflects on how his undergraduate studies in Classics have enriched his over 40-year career in medicine, and how performing a complex surgery is not so different from translating a passage of Cicero. Dr. Sculco and Dame Mary Beard are the 2024 recipients of the Arete Award, established in 2018 by the Paideia Institute and the Arete Foundation to recognize individuals who have had an outstanding impact on the field of Classics. We give the award to two honorees annually: a distinguished academic classicist, and a passionate supporter of the Classics who has gone on to success in other fields. The Paideia Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the study of the classical humanities. Since 2010, we have pursued that mission through travel programs, outreach to expand access to the classics, publications, curriculum development and digital language learning. Each year we teach the classics to more than 2,000 students of every age group, making us one of the largest organizations in our mission area.

185 views • May 31, 2024

MARY BEARD | Why the Classics Today are Better than Ever Before | Paideia Institute Arete Award Gala

At the Paideia Institute's 2024 Arete Award Gala, Dame Mary Beard, OBE reflects on the transformative wonder of seeing antiquity up close, and how the field of Classics today is made more interesting and promising than ever before by "different questions from different places". Professor Beard and Dr. Thomas P. Sculco, Surgeon-in-Chief Emeritus at the Hospital for Special Surgery, are the 2024 recipients of the Arete Award, established in 2018 by the Paideia Institute and the Arete Foundation to recognize individuals who have had an outstanding impact on the field of Classics. We give the award to two honorees annually: a distinguished academic classicist, and a passionate supporter of the Classics who has gone on to success in other fields. The Paideia Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the study of the classical humanities. Since 2010, we have pursued that mission through travel programs, outreach to expand access to the classics, publications, curriculum development and digital language learning. Each year we teach the classics to more than 2,000 students of every age group, making us one of the largest organizations in our mission area.

991 views • May 31, 2024

Chris Childers | Translating the Ancient Forest: The Penguin Book of Greek & Latin Verse

The old saw attributed to Robert Frost holds that "poetry is what is lost in translation." Among those things most often lost are the connections between poets and their predecessors, the way each new generation answers, adapts or antagonizes the ones that went before. In single-poet editions, such conversations are either omitted or confined to footnotes which rarely manage to capture the imagination of the general reader. By contrast, in The Penguin Book of Greek and Latin Lyric Verse, the extended symposium of the genus irritabile vatum (irritable race of bards) is held in full view over the course of its thousand pages, as poets call on and call out each other in meters and stanzas as pregnant with meaning as their words. Clifford Geertz might have called it an act of "thick description;" A.E. Stallings, writing in The Telegraph, calls it "inspired and enlightening lunacy." In this talk, Christopher Childers, the author and translator, will introduce the book in conversation with Jason Pedicone, read generously from it, and answer questions from the audience. _ Chris Childers studied Classics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and poetry at Johns Hopkins University. He lives in Baltimore, where he teaches Latin, coaches squash and tennis and watches over his pet fish and budgies.You can learn more about Chris Childers and his work by visiting his website: _

336 views • Apr 17, 2024

Achilleas A. Stamatiadis | Heavenly and Terrestrial Aphrodite | Paideia Institute Online Lecture

Plato’s Symposium, composed around 385 BCE, is about the nature of love. Pausanias of Athens, the second speaker in the dialogue, distinguishes between two aspects of the goddess Aphrodite: Aphrodite Urania and Aphrodite Pandemos. In later works of western literature this distinction led to the conceptions of Heavenly and Terrestrial love. My lecture will concern itself with a diachronic analysis of Heavenly and Terrestrial manifestations of Aphrodite from Pre-socratic to Victorian times. Although an apperception of Aphrodite Urania, as a cosmic force, is a quite ancient concept, it is in later works of western literature -after Plato’s time- that the distinction laid out by Pausanias of Athens, leads to the concepts of Heavenly anteros and Terrestrial eros and intellectually nourishes Renaissance Leaders via the teachings of Renaissance Humanist Marsilio Ficino. Ficino’s aim after all, is to teach Leaders and Potentates how to love properly, virtuously, and, even honourably. It is no wonder, after all, that our soul, as Plato says, emanates from the Good and forever turns back to the Good by means of the Good. _

298 views • Mar 25, 2024

John Finamore | Neoplatonism, Iamblichus, and the Ascent Ritual | Paideia Institute Online Lecture

After a brief introduction to Neoplatonism, we discuss Professor John Finamore's paper, "Iamblichus, Theurgy, and the Soul's Ascent." This paper covers the development of neoplatonic thought from Plotinus to Porphyry and Iamblichus, specifically the role of theurgy in the ascent ritual for Iamblichus. A basic doctrine of Platonic philosophy, found in Plato’s Symposium 202b-203a, taught that gods do not mix directly with human beings but conduct their relations with mortals through the intermediate daemons. This doctrine had important ramifications for the history of Platonism. Plotinus (c.204-c.270C.E.), the first Neoplatonist, presented a doctrine whereby the philosopher on his or her own could bridge the gap between humanity and the gods, creating a salvific ascent to the gods via philosophy and searching within oneself. His disciple Porphyry (c.234-c.305 C.E.), although more sympathetic to magic and ritual than Plotinus, still believed that philosophy alone could raise the human soul to the gods. Iamblichus (c.245-c.325 C.E.) introduced a new turn in Neoplatonism, arguing that philosophy alone was insufficient to bring gods and mortals into contact and establishing the need for ritual. _

368 views • Mar 21, 2024
