Solis die 8 mensis Septembris 2024


Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.


Salve viator vel premator! Nomen mihi est Gregor. Hoc in canali pelliculas divulgo et eis quibus lingua Latina discenda est et eis qui sua sponte Latinae operam dant.

FRANZ KAFKA | Der Nachbar ☎️ in linguam Latinam versa

mihi placuit hanc fabulam brevissimam in linguam Latinam vertere.

116 views • May 20, 2024

SALLUST | Coniuratio Catilinae 01💥 Für die Schule vereinfacht

Eine Ganzschrift im Lateinunterricht lesen? Im Leben nicht! - Oder doch ?! Auf diesem Kanal findest Du entweder einzelne wichtige Kapitel oder längere, geraffte Passagen aus Originaltexten im Lateinunterricht - zum Anhören, zum Lesen, zum Sprechen oder einfach nur zum Vokabeltraining oder als Einstieg. Si Latine tantum neque autem Germanice loqueris age pelliculam videas! Spectat ad provectiores qui "Familiam Romanam" iam perlegerunt et nunc opera Latina in imperio Romano scripta legere et intellegere in animo habent. 3:01 Kap. 1, Satz 1 4:30 Kap. 1, Satz 2 5:24 Kap. 1, Satz 3 6:15 Kap. 1, Satz 4 7:01 Kap. 1, Satz 5 7:35 Kap. 1, Satz 6 8:12 Kap. 1, Satz 7 9:00 Fragen zum Text Musik: "Ancient World" Lexin @ pixabay

89 views • Apr 12, 2024

Harry Schnur - Vallum Berolinense (Latin Menippean Satire)

On August 13, 1961, the Jewish classical scholar Harry Schnur returned to Berlin after 30 years. It was precisely on this day that the closure of Berlin and the construction of the Berlin Wall began. Read now (in Latin or English) in its entirety his eyewitness account, originally written in Latin and cast in the form of Menippean satire. More information in Latin about Harry Schnur, the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain: 📕 📘 📗 More Latin videos about this topic 🎞 De Muro Berolinensi - 🎞 Berolinensis sum - Get the book for free (better call than write an email) here: 1:40 incipit fabula All music, sounds and videos (unless otherwise stated in the video) taken from under free licence. Thumb images by Kelly Sikkema and Engin Akyurt @ Greenish Night Picture by Jacques Bopp @ Last two images: and Bundesarchiv, Bild 145-P061246 / o.Ang. / CC-BY-SA 3.0

382 views • Feb 24, 2024

🌜 Latin Lullabies 🌛 Giovanni Pontano: Naeniae 🌘

[ ENG ] Relax and listen to Latin lullabies, written around 1500! Come to rest and learn Latin in your sleep! Taken from Giovanni Pontanos poem "de amore coniugali". [ LAT ] Te remitte et naenias ausculta anno circiter MD scriptas! conquiesce et dormiens disce Latinam! carmina electa e libris Ioviani Pontani tres de amore coniugali inscriptis. [ DEU ] Entspann dich und lausche lateinischen Wiegenliedern, geschrieben um 1500! Komm zur Ruhe und lerne Latein im Schlaf! Ausgewählt aus den Gedichten "de amore coniugali" von Giovanni Pontano. 📖 Text: Musik: - sleep music : Piotr Witowski @ pixabay - pilgrimage ancient medieval harp : harumachi music @ pixabay Bilder - in der Reihenfolge des Erscheinens: Thumb: moon: Kinkate @ pixabay freestocks - minnie zhou - annie spratt - adele morris - hessam nabavi - annie spratt - igordoon primus - amy treausre - tuva mathilde loland - tracey hocking - annie spratt - annie spratt

106 views • Jan 10, 2024

🇺🇸 John F. Kennedy 🇩🇪 Ich bin ein Berliner! - LATIN

Just in time for the Day of German Unity today, October 3, a short video about Kennedy's famous speech, held in 1963 in West Berlin. Of course in Latin, the language for the special moments! 👁‍ Footage: ZDF/Terra X/Stefan Gierer/Frank Flick/Kabom/Minh Nguyen/Maximian Heß/Germany greets Kennedy, Federal Archives, Film: F-2623/Federal Republic of Germany. CC BY 4.0 Thumb: Kennedy - Library of Congress @ Berlin - Claudio Schwarz @ Sound Effects:

82 views • Oct 3, 2023
