Jovis die 16 mensis Januarii 2025


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paucos versus canit | Our Kiddo Composes Some Poetry - In Latin

postquam poēmata ex librō illīus Lance Piantaggīnī, c.t. est "ecce, poēmata discipulīs!" audīverat, Iūlia paucōs versūs suōs cecinit, dum pōmīs holeribusque lūdit. ---- After listening to the poems from Lance Piantaggini's book "ecce, poemata discipulis!" early one morning, our kiddo sang a couple versus of her own while playing with her fruits and vegetables.

288 views • Apr 12, 2022

Amata Est Trans Mare Magnum | My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean - In Latin

Latīnē / Latin amāta est trāns mare magnum nōn nunc est amāta domī amāta est trāns mare magnum reddātur amāta mihi reddās reddās reddās amātam mihi mihi reddās reddās reddās amātam mihi Anglicē / English Original My Bonnie lies over the ocean My Bonnie lies over the sea My Bonnie lies over the ocean So bring back my Bonnie to me... Bring back, bring back Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me Bring back, bring back Bring back my Bonnie to me Anglicē / English Translation My Bonnie is across the great sea Right now my Bonnie's not home My Bonnie is across the great sea Let my Bonnie be brought back to me Bring back, bring back Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me Bring back, bring back Bring back my Bonnie to me

371 views • Mar 3, 2022

Farcīmina Holerāria Coquimus | Cooking Vegan Sausages - In Latin

Iūlia plūrēs cibōs coquere discit, ergō erat cupida vōs tomācula seu farcīmina holerāria frīgere docendī. -- Julia is learning to make more food, so she wanted to show you all how to fry up vegan sausages.

197 views • Mar 1, 2022

Legonium | A Story Told in Bricks & in Latin

Iūlia Legōnium sēcum "legit", fābulam mīram lateribus nārrātam ā Anthony Gibbins, quae invenītur apud rē vērā, recitat partēs, quae totiēs eī lēgī, ut eās in memoriā teneat. --- Julia "reads" Legonium to herself, a wonderful story told in bricks, that was written by Anthony Gibbins, which you can find at Really shes just reciting some parts, that I've read to her so many times, that she has them memorized.

96 views • Feb 27, 2022

Tu Es Sol Meus | You Are My Sunshine - In Latin

Latin, Original English, and Translation can be here below in the description: Latine | Latin tu es sol meus, sol solus meus. me facis laetum, dum nubes sunt. o numquam scies, quantum te amem. noli, sol, auferre solem. Anglice | English Original You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear. how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. Anglice | English Translation You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when there are clouds. Oh you'll never know, how much I love you. Sunshine, don't take my sunshine away.

1294 views • Feb 25, 2022
