Hic praebentur acroamata (vulgo: podcasts) varia quae in rete inveniri possunt. Certe opiniones hic expressae externae sunt Ephemeridi.
Robert Fludd | De Templo Musicae, Latin + English
A closer look at De Templo Musicae, or "A most Lucid Description of the Temple of Music" from Robert Fludd's 'Utriusque Cosmi Maioris..." In this small section, our favorite weapon-salve-wielding Rosicrucian WAXES FREAKING POETIC (warning us beforehand), soaking each line with stream-of-consciousness prose, which, while sounding a bit irregular, long-winded and over-the-top in the Latin without technically breaking any rules of grammar, nevertheless sounds utterly ridiculous when attempting to translate to English. Such is my attempt at a description. 00:20 Intro/Rambling a bit... 01:26 Latin reading 10:44 English translation Linky to text:
47 views • Jan 11, 2025
De Mercurio Trismegisto (Athanasius Kircher) English Translation
Typically on my Channel I just read Latin, This is my random silly (but also completely serious) attempt to render directly into English, as unabridged and as literally as possible, this discussion by Athanasius Kircher on the probable and multiple identities of the figure Thrice-Great Mercury/Hermes/Thoth/Thauti/Enoch/Adris/Idris. Ch. 7 of part 3 of Kircher's 1675 work "Noah's Ark" 00:07 Multiple "Mercuries" numbered by antiquity 00:46 Mercury as the slayer of Argus in the myth of Io, who then fled to Egypt. 1:19 Macrobrius symbolically links the Greek myth to his Egyptian persona. 2:44 Sanchoniaton gave us his Phoenician name 'Thauti' and Egyptian 'Thoth'. 3:48 Was the Greek Hermes, killer of Argus, the same as Thoth of Egypt? 5:20 Dedication to Hermes in a temple of Isis, as given by Diodorus. 6:57 in the Melchizedek chronicle he is called by the title "Idaris" or "Adaris" meaning "sage" 8:35 Enoch was the "First Adris" and the "Greek Hermes" was the 2nd Adris. 10:17 the Hebrew and Syriac manuscripts call Melchizedek "another of these Adris's" 10:49 This identity of Enoch as "first Idris" and Thrice-great Hermes as the Second Idris is repeated by Arabic writers. 12:30 Mor Isaac identifies him with Jovanithus. 13:18 Recap of the majority opinion that the divine knowledge originated from Enoch, who had learned directly from Adam and Seth, before he was taken by God. 14:00 Cham, a son of Noah, may have learned the black arts from the followers of Cain, and combined it with the white tantra passed down by Melchizedek, son of Enoch. 14:40 Which another teacher, who is "our" Hermes Trismegistus, later descended from Canaan, separated and refined the Arcana. 15:46 Why the Arabs considered Enoch (the first Idris) to be a Trismegistus 17:40 "and the days of Enoch were 365 years" from Genesis agrees with the Arabic sources. 19:00 Derivation of Plato's 36,500 year cycle, is allegedly supported by scripture (dubious) 20:16 Which ideas Plato, like many Greek philosophers, certainly picked up from the Egyptians. 20:25 Astronomical observations are made to support this theory 20:53 Since Cham, numerous other descendants likely vied for this title of Idris. 22:00 Cham is also confounded with Zoroaster, and falsely claimed this title. 23:20 Quoting Diodorus of Sicily, Hermes was a Notary and Counselor of Osiris. 23:44 Writers disagree how close to the time of Moses he lived, 24:49 We Reject the notion that he lived right around the time of Moses. 26:00 We assert that he lived around the time of Abraham, but before the first Pharaoh was ruler of Egypt, as told by Suidas. 27:33 His mistaken identity with "Misraim", one of the descendants of Cham (through Chus, then Canaan), by Arab writers. 28:16 whereas Eusibius places him closer to the time of Moses, 28:30 there very well could have been 2 or more of him around the same time, including even "Jethro" in the Zohar. 29:30 since multiple descendants of the first Sage all sought for his title, beginning with Cham. 29:50 but our focus remains on his persona as "Thoth" of Egypt. 30:02 Similar, there being "Multiple Zoroasters" in Babylonia and among the Chaldeans. 31:00 in the Chronicle of Alexander, "our Hermes" is even said to have conversed with Noah, and to have traveled with Japeth to Italy. 31:20 Disagreement among Biblical chroniclers on the relative ages of Noah vs Abraham. 31:30 Given the long lifespans of the ancient patriarchs, Hermes is variously described as living to 180, 190, or 200 years (confused with Zoroaster's 100 year sojourn in the desert) 32:47 but Abenvaschia (writing in Arabic) reaffirms Hermes lived for 365 years, as the "second Adris" , the same number of years as the Enoch, the first Adris. 33:30 supported by the mystical belief in transmigration of souls, which he thinks superstitious. The author supports his age being 190, because it best fits with with Biblical Chronology of Abraham. 34:05 Iamblichus on Hermes' founding of Egyptian philosophy, etc. 34:39 that he allegedly wrote 36,529 books! and the few of these that weren't permanently lost were very poorly translated. 35:19 Clemens of Alexandria enumerates the few extant 'Hermetic' texts at his time. 35:42 But what is meant by "36,000 books" was really a mis-translation of an Egyptian concept into Greek language. 36:10 instead we should take it to mean "philosophical points", of which only a few have been passed down in commentaries. 36:51 impossible that the Egyptians had no alphabet or hieroglyphics before the time of Moses. 38:05 the Hermetic writing self-addressing 38:29 written on papyrus for the masses, inscribed in hieroglyphics for the initiated 39:14 the truly esoteric will remain encoded. Cryptic remarks in the Corpus Hermeticum. 39:35 Kircher's Summary, concluding remarks, with references and promotions to some of his other works.
113 views • Jan 4, 2025
Sebastian Münster | De Imperii Romani Prima Administratione
Barbarians may Enable CC-Captions for a English translation, well actually it is recommended to enjoy the video. Et si tibi placet ut legere Latine mecum:
79 views • Dec 13, 2024
A. Kircher | De Hominibus Subterraneis
Chapter 3 from Book 8 of Athanasius Kircher's "Mundus Subterraneus", 00:21 Why people choose to dwell underground- Refuge from war, or from climate. 1:39 Gaffarellus' book "Of famous Crypts all over the world..." 2:00 The author's visit to the crypts at Melita (Malta) in 1637, 3:16 called 'Ghaar Kebir' by the Arabic-speaking population. 3:24 Families living within. Each family has their own cell, 3:43 within a larger structure of many internal rooms. 4:03 rooms for storing bread, grain, animal stables, and a large water cistern. 4:40 cracks in the rock provide light to each chamber. 5:07 separate chimneys placed for ventilation of smoke from the baking ovens. 5:17 they periodically leave their abode in order to do the necessary things to sustain their subterranean life. 5:38 because wood is so scarce, they use dried excrement for fuel. 5:48 Their men and women are of a large and robust stature. 6:39 they typically abstain from meat, instead consuming bread, roots, cheese and herbs. 7:00 nevertheless, our Author was treated to a great meal by their chieftain, with all sorts of delicious meats (with wonderful sauces poured-over) prepared just for him! 7:22 they also make a kind of "polenta" and "macaroni" - this dried foodstuff can be stored for a long time underground. 8:08 mentioning of other Troglodytes around the Erythrean sea, by Solon, Pliny, and Aelian. 8:36 nearby is an Isle called 'Gozo' by the Gauls, which contains a similar population of pure-Arabic speaking crypt-dwellers. 9:02 It's thought that both of these groups migrated from the mountains of Lebanon, 9:23 during which time they were introduced to Christianity. 9:48 Kircher himself saw crucifixes and images of the Blessed Virgin within the Melitan crypts. 10:02 on his visit in 1659 to Etruria (Tuscany, Italy) to check out a field... surprised to find chimneys from underground dwellings. 11:26 upon asking his guide to see them, they enter. He relates they are quite similar to, but more spacious, than the dwellings at Melita. 12:00 we shall mention a few others... 12:35 in the Kingdom of Idalcan (?) of India, the Brachmans live up in a Pagoda while the lower classes live underground. 12:50 African tribes around the Luna mountains retreat into caves during the heat of summer. 13:05 Marco Polo wrote of cave-dwellers in the mountains around the Caspian Sea. 13:24 "and I won't even start about the Crypts beneath Rome... if the reader is interested, consult my other work 'Romam subterraneam' " 13:47 next we will consider the effects of subterranean birth, rearing, and education upon the dwellers. 15:18 'The marvelous story of some subterranean folk' as related by Guilielmo Neubrissensi (translated by Kircher from German into Latin) 15:24 in West Anglia, there is a cave called 'Wolf's den' by the locals, about 5 miles from St. Edmund's monastery. 16:05 One summer night, 2 children- a boy and a girl- with GREEN skin and unknown clothing are found to have emerged from the cave. As this news spreads, the local peasants are very superstitious and refuse to continue the harvest. The local bishop is concerned both for the children, and the risk of famine if the harvest is not continued. 17:00 a marvel occurs: A 'sky chariot' appears hovering over the area! This UFO drops tears of glass into the ground, from which strange bean plants sprout and grow. These peculiar beans are highly nutritious, providing sustenance to the people as well as being the only thing the children will eat. 17:59 As time goes by the children become accustomed to regular human food, and their green skin color fades away. 18:15 Eventually, they are taught some English phrases and are set to be baptized. The younger boy dies one day after his baptism. The girl continues to live for many years and eventually marries into the Lennam family. 18:52 when she was able to speak better English, she said they were from lands around the region of St. Martin. As this was an unknown place, Her inquisitors supposed it to be connected to a temple at St. Albani, which has a deep crypt. 20:05 more particulars related by the woman on her subterranean homeland- they are a Christian people, and their realm never sees direct sunlight. 21:28 These events were recorded in the year 1140, during the reign of King Stephen. 22:20 end of Neubrissen's story & Beginning of Kircher's Rhetorical discussion for the rest of the chapter. 22:58 ? 1: What would cause a whole race of people to move underground? 26:47 ? 2: How can they live with so little light? 29:45 ? 3: How is it that their clothing was of an unknown material? 31:00 ? 4: Why was their skin green? 31:55 ? 5: How could they live in such a damp place? 32:37 ? 7: How could they be said to be believers of Christ? 33:19 In conclusion, for further reading: see "The Chinese Atlas" by P. Martinus, in which similar stories are told.
57 views • Dec 3, 2024
A. Kircher | De Draconibus Subterraneis
Athanasius Kircher: 17th century Jesuit polymath know-it-all and.... Dragon Believer! From his work "Mundus Subterraneus" (Volume 2, Book 8, 2nd Chapter) 0:26 Beginning of reading. 1:28 Two types- winged and wingless. 1:54 Bel and the Dragon (from bk of Daniel apocrypha) 2:32 Aristotle wrote about dragons in the time of Phillip of Macedon 3:34 concerning winged dragons... inconsistent descriptions across authors. ... 13:40 Mary Magdalene and a dragon... supposedly this is the dragon which fled to the Isle of Rhodes, and is mentioned by later authors. 15:18 two more stories of winged dragons, with many corroborating witnesses. 16:14 Bosius wrote in AD 1348 of the dragon at Rhodes.. 20:02 a supposed first-hand account of this dragon's appearance... 22:22 ...from a Ferdinand Deodatus Gonzo, a noble knight of Rhodes. 23:55 Deodatus battles the dragon 24:52 a description of the knight's armor, lance, shield, etc. (i'll continue adding more section labels when I have more time.)
78 views • Nov 25, 2024